grounded and growing!

At this season of thankfulness, there is cause for gratitude and celebration! We have reached an incredible milestone in the Montessori Children’s House of Lansing story. The 2022-23 school-year marks our 50th anniversary! Momentous occasions such as this are often a time of both reflecting on all that has been and envisioning all that may yet be. Our community has long dreamed about the addition of a Montessori adolescent program in our area. While Lansing and Okemos schools have instituted Montessori-based public options offering upper grades, parents have continued to ask for a non-public, non-parochial Montessori middle-school program in mid-Michigan. We are delighted to let you know that M.C.H. will fufill this request and excited to ask for your support. Together, we’ll launch our 7th grade cohort in the 2023-24 school-year!

 It is humbling to move through the steps of an undertaking such as this and watch as the Universe opens doors and clears the way for the work to move forward when the timing is right. We have seen this happen again and again - with people, places, and programming over the years. The same is true for the adolescent program. In August, we made an offer on the home and property adjacent to both the school and the Casa daycare. The selling family, our neighbors since the school moved here from Holy Cross in 1982, accepted our offer and once it clears probate, the house at 2117 Bruce St. and the included ½ acre parcel will become the new home-base for our middle-school. 

Purchasing the property is the first big step in this portion of this journey. As expected, other expenses will follow. The house will need gentle restoration and renovation as well as updates and improvements to create a haven for academic development, creative expression, self-discovery, and real world experiences. Recognizing the importance of financial support in this new venture, a donor family has gifted $50,000 to kick-start the program in honor of our 50th year. Will you help us match or exceed this generous contribution? Please consider what you can give - $50, $500, $5,000 or more - and send your donation today! Donations of ANY size are appreciated! All proceeds directly support the growth of the adolescent program. Each donation of $1,000 or more is recognized on our Founder’s Society plaque inscribed with your student(s), family, or business name or you may choose to honor / memorialize another.  

This year we marvel with gratitude at the deep strength of our roots and move with wonder to tend the bright, new-growth shoots of the future. We thank you for being a part of this journey with us. Together, grounded and growing, we celebrate the past 50 years and joyfully anticipate what is to come. Wishing you and yours the very best of the season!

"Whoever touches the life of the child touches the most sensitive point of a whole which has roots in the most distant past and climbs toward the infinite future." - Maria Montessori
